University Graduate Internship Program

University Graduate Internship Program

According to UNESCOs Education for All Global Monitoring Report, they say “it is not possible to fix the job crisis without fixing the skills crisis. linking schooling with work-based programmes through internships and apprenticeships has the potential to help young people learn practical problem-solving skills and practice crucial workplace skills.

With an aim of nurturing a high-calibre national workforce in Uganda, we partner with organisations to provide university students seeking internships and comprehensive training in a variety of sectors such as Media,  Human Resource development, Finance and audit, Communications, Engineering, Telecommunications, etc Through the program, graduates get knowledge and experience in their field and are made ready for entry-level positions in any organisation. We invite partners who, like us, recognize the value of nurturing a high-calibre socially responsible national workforce, to sponsor students through the six months internship program.

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