Our Youth Innovation Hub

We provide working space for starting organizations working with young people who cant afford high level office rent but need space where they can sit and work as they save from the reduced cost of operation until they are able to breakeven and start their own offices where they can fully meet their operational costs. The hub ensures that the upcoming or newly registered start-ups share the our facilities and  have acess to our office equipment, Internet services, boardrooms for meetings and receptionist services.  Our primary objective is to produce successful and financially viable Youth led firms/Organization/ start-ups that can survive on their own.  We know that connections and networks established through these relationships can endure for a long time. We  encourage  one another and share ideas on new approaches to old problems. We also have joint fundraising campaigns and cooperate on product development initiatives.

We also interest  young people to take up space at our offices with a very minimal contribution since we believe in working with and empowering young people to realize their full potential.

We offer office space with the following services,

  1. Office furniture
  2. Internet
  3. Water and electricity
  4. Boardroom
  5. Safe Parking space
  6. Receptionist
  7. Office cleaning and maintenance services.

We are open 5 days a week (Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm) but we have flexible hours for those who intend to work on weekends and late evenings after 5:00pm.

Currently, we host The Education Advocacy with a Difference Platform, Kampala Youth advocacy Network, Uganda Debate Arena, Writers Hub, Visionary lady Foundation, Path for Health, YouLead Action Network Alumni, Charis Investments, etc.